Sunday, November 1, 2009

Soya Alert!

Soya alert

A health warning was sounded over the
dangers of eating soya after two senior American
government scientists revealed that chemicals in the
product could increase the risk of breast cancer in
women, brain damage in men and abnormalities in

The disclosure, which sent shockwaves through the
multi-billion dollar food industry, came after the
scientists decided to break ranks with colleagues in the
US Food and Drug Administration and oppose its decision
last year to approve a health claim that soya reduced the
risk of heart disease. They wrote an internal protest
letter warning of 28 studies revealing toxic effects of soya.

In an interview with The Observer, one of the
scientists, Daniel Doerge, an expert on soya, said: 'We
have very real worries that this health claim will be
used by the industry as an endorsement of much wider
health benefits to soya beyond the heart. Research has
shown a clear link between soya and the potential for
adverse effects in humans.'

BSE and other health scares related to meat have led to
rocketing sales of soya-related products in Britain. But
it is not just vegetarian foods such as tofu that use soya.
It is a key ingredient in products from meat sausages
and fish fingers to salad creams and breakfast cereals.

The concerns of Doerge and fellow FDA researcher
Daniel Sheehan focus on chemicals in soya known as
isoflavones which have effects similar to the female
hormone oestrogen.

While these chemicals may help to prevent a range of
conditions including high cholesterol, they also lead to
health problems in animals including altering sexual
development of foetuses and causing thyroid disorders.
Although soy is thought to protect against breast cancer,
some studies show that chemicals in soya may increase
the chances of breast cancer which uses oestrogen-type
hormones for growth.

Their letter to the FDA seen by The Observer states:
'There is abundant evidence that some of the isoflavones
found in soy demonstrate toxicity in oestrogen sensitive
tissues and in the thyroid. Additionally, the adverse
effects in humans occur in several tissues.

'During pregnancy in humans, isoflavones per se could
be a risk factor for abnormal brain and reproductive
tract development.'

This will frighten mothers who increasingly use soya
milk for babies. Doerge said: 'They are exposing their
children to chemicals which we know have adverse
effects in animals. It's like doing a large uncontrolled
and unmonitored experiment on infants.'

The soya industry insists that most research shows the
health benefits of soya outweigh risks and that adverse
effects seen in animals do not apply to humans.

Richard Barnes, European director of the US Soy Bean
Association, said: 'Millions of people around the world
have been eating soya for years and have shown no signs
of abnormalities or disorders.'

Useful links:
Institute of Food Research information sheet on soya

Monday, October 12, 2009

Health Info on Aspirin

If you take an aspirin or a baby aspirin once a day, take it at night. the reason: aspirin has a
24-hour "half-life". therefore, if most heart attacks happen in the wee hours of the morning, the aspirin would be strongest in your system.

Aspirin lasts a really long time in your medicine chest. years. (when it gets old, it smells like

please read on.

save lives ....
It is important to always have ASPIRIN in the home!!!

Why have Aspirin by your bedside?


There are other symptoms of an heart attack besides the pain on the left arm.

One must also be aware of an intense pain on
the chin, as well as nausea and lots of sweating,
however these symptoms may also occur
less frequently.

NOTE: There may be no pain in the chest during a heart attack.

The majority of people (about 60%) who had a
heart attack during their sleep, did not wake up.
However, if it occurs, the chest pain may wake
you up from your deep sleep.

and swallow them with a bit of water.

Afterwards, phone a neighbor or a family member
who lives very close by and state "HEART ATTACK!!!"
and that you have taken 2 ASPIRINS

Take a seat on a chair or sofa and wait for their arrival and ......

A Cardiologist has stated that, if each person, after receiving this information,
tells it to 10 people, probably a life can be saved!


Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...
it's about learning to dance in the rain.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Enjoy life

"Life is short, break the rules, forgive sooner, love with true love, laugh without control and always keep smiling.
Maybe life is not the party that we were expecting, but in the mean time, we're here and we can still dance....."


by Father James Reuter, S.J.

By her own admission, GMA (Gloria Macapagal Arroyo) rightfully assessed that over the last decades; our republic has become one of the weakest, steadily left behind by its more progressive neighbors.' Forty years ago, we were only second to Japan in economic stature, and way ahead of Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Thailand . Today, at our present growth rate, it will take us 30 years to get to where Thailand is.

1. A population of 160 Million;

2. Of those, 70 to 90 million (equivalent to our current population) will live below the poverty line;

3. Our national debt is estimated to be at US$200B (compared to US$28B when Marcos fled, and US$53B today);

4. We will be competing, not against Thailand or even Vietnam , but against Bangladesh ;

5. We will be the most corrupt nation in Asia , if not in the world (we're already ranked 11th most corrupt nation by Transparency International) ..

The signs are clear. Our nation is headed towards an irreversible path of economic decline and moral decadence. It is not for lack of effort. We've seen many men and women of integrity in and out of government, NGOs, church groups & people's organization devote themselves to the task of nation-building, often times against insurmountable odds.

But not even two people's revolutions, bloodless as they may be, have made a dent in reversing this trend. At best, we have moved one step forward, but three steps backward..

We need a force far greater than our collective efforts, as a people, can ever hope to muster. It is time to move the battle to the spiritual realm. It's time to claim GOD's promise of healing of the land for His people. It's time to gather GOD's people on its knees to pray for the economic recovery and moral reformation of our nation.

Is prayer really the answer? Before you dismiss this as just another rambling of a religious fanatic, I'd like you to consider
some lessons we can glean from history.
* England 's ascendancy to world power was preceded by the Reformation, a spiritual revival fueled by intense prayers.

* The early American settlers built the foundation that would make it the most powerful nation today - a strong faith in GOD and a disciplined prayer life. Throughout its history, and especially at its major turning points, waves of revival and prayer movement swept across the land.

* In recent times, we see Korea as a nation experiencing revival and in the process producing the largest Christian church in the world today, led by Rev. Paul Yongi Cho. No wonder it has emerged as a strong nation when other economies around it are faltering.

Even from a purely secular viewpoint, it makes a lot of sense. For here there is genuine humbling & seeking of GOD through prayer, moral reformation necessarily follows. And this, in turn, will lead to general prosperity. YES, we believe prayer can make a difference. It's our only hope.

we launch this email brigade, to inform Filipinos from all over the world to pray, as a people, for the economic recovery and moral reformation of our nation. We do not ask for much. We only ask for 5 minutes of your time in a day, to fwd this email to your close friends and relatives.
This is the kind of unity which can make a big difference. Of course, if you feel strongly, as I do, about the power of prayer, you can be more involved by starting your own prayer group or prayer center.

We have tried people power twice; in both cases, it fell short. Maybe it's time to try prayer power. GOD never fails. Is there hope? YES! We can rely on God's promise, but we have to do our part. If we humble ourselves and pray as a people, GOD will heal our land.. By GOD's grace, we may yet see a better future for our children.

'If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land.'(2 Chronicles 7:14).

If you care for your children and grandchildren, PLEASE pass this on. .. ..